Grow Your Business: Instagram Marketing Crash Course with Katelyn Ice and Christopher Coffman

Marketing your business on Instagram can be difficult. You might find yourself asking, "Is this even important? Isn't everyone on Facebook, why bother with Instagram? Can't I just use my Facebook content on Instagram?"
Enter Katelyn & Christopher, Knox County's go-to social media pros who are ready to share their most coveted Instagram secrets. They will be dissecting Instagram posts and providing tips and tricks to elevate your company's page for increased reach and engagement.
Katelyn Ice owns Ice Design Studio, a Vincennes-based marketing and design agency. Since 2015, Katelyn has been managing social media accounts for clients, including content creation, graphic design, engagement, and more.
Christopher Coffman is the owner of Impact Marketing Services, a social media management company in Vincennes, Indiana. Since its founding, Christopher and the IMS team have helped to elevate multiple brands through social media engagement, original content creation, and strategic marketing campaigns.

Date and Time
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM EDT
October 10, 2024
4:30 PM to 5:30PM
The Pantheon
428 Main Street
Vincennes, IN 47591
Registration required -
$10 for Pantheon Coworking Members
$20 for non-coworking members
Contact Information
Keri Lane, Director of Programming and Membership
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